Scottish Word and Image Group


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"Creative Conflicts"

17th Scottish Word and Image Group Conference
in collaboration with the 8th Annual English Postgraduate Conference, University of Dundee

'Literary Criticism' (1830) by Charles Joseph Travies de Villiers

Wednesday 30th June 2010

Lecture Theatre 2, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee

Creative Conflicts is the Eighth Annual Postgraduate Conference held by the English Programme, University of Dundee, and runs in conjunction with the Scottish Word and Image Group Annual conference. It will address the role that conflict plays in the creative process, and explore the productive conflicts that arise between writers, editors, artists, and film-makers during the process of collaboration. It will also foreground the role of critics and audiences in debating conflicting interpretations of texts and artworks. The Keynote speaker will be Dr Alan Marcus (Reader in Film and Visual Culture, University of Aberdeen).

Please see the Programme for further details, including the Registration Form.


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