Scottish Word and Image Group


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Scottish Word and Image Group Conference 2016


Remediations in Word and Image

Twenty-Second Scottish Word and Image Group Conference, University of Dundee
6-7 May 2016 ** NOTE NEW DATE! **


"The presence of the past in the cinema is also the presence of the body resurrected" - Laura Mulvey, Death 24x a Second: Stillness and the Moving Image (2006)

The 2016 SWIG conference will consider the issue of remediation in word and image. We are proud to announce that Professor Laura Mulvey will be our keynote speaker. Her pioneering study of remediation in cinema invites examinations of the relationship between identity, mortality and resurrection that extend beyond film to inform a number of creative and critical contexts. Influenced by Dundee's own civic regeneration - as highlighted by its recently awarded status of UNESCO City of Design - the 2015 SWIG conference will be a forum for debate about the questions raised by notions of remediation, regeneration and reanimation in the arts, literature and design. The organisers invite proposals for 20-minute papers relating to (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Cultural regeneration
  • Digital remediations
  • Avatars
  • Resurrection and reanimation
  • Archival remediations
  • Echoes and ghostings
  • Intermediality
  • Literary and visual adaptations
  • Re-enactments
  • Embodiment
  • Design and technology
  • Performance

We received an unprecedented response to this call for papers and in order to accommodate the level of interest shown we have made the decision to postpone the conference until May 2016. Further abstracts will be accepted - please send proposals of no more than 250 words to


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